Hi, there!
I'm Jan Wedel, a software developer based in Berlin, Germany. This is return code, my personal blog. You will find mostly tech related stuff, but not necessarily since I'm interested in lot's of things.
Just check out the blog categories to find specific topics or use the search on the top right to find articles by title, content or tags.
You can find me on Mastodon, Bluesky, dev.to, GitHub and Twitter (only archive).
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
GridSolve - Nonogram Solver
You like solving Nonograms (Also know as Hanjie, Paint by Numbers, Picross, Griddlers, and Pic-a-Pix)?
You need help to solve it?
Then you should try GridSolve. It allows you to enter a Nonogram which then will be solved, step by step. You can go through each step and see the changes that will help you solve your griddle.
Try GridSolve TutorialMusic
Besides coding, I also write, play and produce music.
You can listen and download the songs for free. My songs are a mix of Pop, Electronic and RnB. They are co-written and sung by singers Suga and The Cyan.
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Tech - Delete All the Codes
Ok, maybe not all the code. But hear me out. When I was in fifth grade and starting to program, I...
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General - Nacharbeiten am Platz nötig / Es wird kein Wochenmarkt geben
Das Jahr 2024 neigt sich dem Ende zu und es wird - zumindest was den Platz angeht - kein Weihnachtswunder...
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